
Platelet-Rich Plasma

Platelet-Rich Plasma services offered in Putnam County, Mahopac and Cold Spring, NY

Platelet-Rich Plasma
Platelet-Rich Plasma services offered in Putnam County, Mahopac and Cold Spring, NY

If your cosmetic goal is younger-looking skin or a fuller head of hair, see the experts at Vivash Med Spa in Mahopac, New York. We offer platelet-rich plasma (PRP) treatments for men and women to create the beautiful, refreshed look they long for. Schedule a PRP evaluation at Vivash Med Spa by phone or online today.

Platelet-Rich Plasma Q & A

What is PRP?

PRP, also called platelet-rich plasma treatment, uses injections of parts of your blood to create younger-looking, revitalized tissues or thicker hair. PRP promotes new cell production in your skin or hair follicles. This anti-aging treatment is safe, all-natural, and highly effective for achieving your cosmetic goals.

Your Vivash Med Spa provider can inject PRP into your skin or scalp or apply PRP to the treatment area after completing microneedling, a procedure that uses tiny needles to maximize your body’s natural ability to heal and create new cells.


What are the advantages of PRP treatments?

PRP treatments can create:

  • Thicker hair
  • Healthier skin and hair
  • Younger-looking appearance
  • Fewer lines and wrinkles
  • Reduced skin imperfections
  • Brighter, refreshed, glowing skin

PRP treatments are quick and virtually painless. They offer the extraordinary anti-aging results you deserve without downtime, high costs, or invasive procedures. 


What should I expect during PRP treatment?

Follow your specialist’s instructions before you undergo PRP treatments. They may ask you to drink plenty of water and stop smoking or taking certain medications.

During treatments with PRP, your Vivash Med Spa provider takes a sample of your blood. They place it in a centrifuge and spin it to extract blood that’s rich in platelets. They inject the sample into your skin or scalp or apply PRP to tissues treated with microneedling.

The length of time treatment lasts depends on the number of areas injected, and whether your treatment plan includes microneedling with PRP or just PRP injections.


What happens afterward?

After PRP treatment, the affected tissues may be red, swollen, or tender for a brief time. There’s no downtime needed, so you can go back to work or resume other daily activities. During the next few weeks and months, you’ll notice improvements in the appearance of your skin or a gradual thickening of your hair. 

The Vivash Med Spa team may recommend a series of treatment sessions spaced four weeks apart, with additional treatments yearly to maintain a younger appearance. 

The practice also offers Botox®, dermal fillers, laser treatments, chemical peels, facial treatments, CoolSculpting® for fat reduction, ketamine infusions, and vitamin intravenous (IV) therapy. 


Schedule by phone or online today to learn more or set up an appointment for an evaluation.