
Understanding the Power of Ketamine Infusions for Depression Relief

Apr 04, 2024
Understanding the Power of Ketamine Infusions for Depression Relief
Ketamine infusions offer real relief for people suffering from treatment-resistant depression — a depression that doesn't respond well to medication and psychotherapy. Learn how it works so you can decide if it might be right for you.

Nearly 9% of Americans experience depression each year in the United States — more than 20 million people. While many manage their symptoms with medication, psychotherapy, or a combination of both, others suffer from stubborn symptoms that don’t respond to therapies — a condition called treatment-resistant depression (TRD).

In recent years, researchers have found an alternative solution for people with TRD: ketamine, a medication used for decades as a potent anesthetic. For depression treatment, ketamine is used in much smaller doses, acting on the brain in specific ways that help reduce depression symptoms, sometimes in as little as one treatment session.

At Vivash Medspa, our team uses ketamine delivered through IV infusions to help patients find relief from TRD. Learn more about ketamine therapy for depression and how it could help you.

Ketamine and depression

Depression affects your brain in different ways. Antidepressant medications primarily focus on the chemical neurotransmitters serotonin and dopamine; ketamine acts on a different neurotransmitter called glutamate.

Glutamate plays a role in how the nerves in your brain communicate and interact with one another. Studies show glutamate is directly linked with nerve signaling pathways that help stabilize mood, including mood changes associated with depression.

Additional studies indicate glutamate also helps repair and restore damaged nerve pathways associated with long-term depressive symptoms, stimulating the growth of healthy nerve tissue. These new nerve connections improve communication and may also help relieve depression symptoms.

Ketamine treatment: What to expect

Ketamine infusions are delivered via IV through a needle placed in your arm. During your session, you’ll recline and relax while the IV does all the “work.” You can nap, read, listen to music, or watch a movie on your phone during your 30-40-minute session.

As the infusion progresses, you may feel slightly light-headed. Many people describe feelings of mild euphoria and deep relaxation. Although larger doses of ketamine are used as an anesthetic, the doses used for depression treatment are much smaller, and you’ll remain awake and able to communicate throughout your session.

Afterward, many people report feeling relaxed and at ease, with decreased depression symptoms occurring quickly—sometimes within a matter of hours. It’s important to note, though, that ketamine’s effects are not permanent. Many patients benefit from a series of doses over a period of several weeks to help them achieve maximum benefits, followed by a maintenance phase based on their needs.

Find out more about ketamine therapy

Ketamine therapy isn’t a first-line treatment for depression. Instead, it’s typically recommended when other treatment options have fallen short of providing adequate symptom relief.

If you have depression that hasn’t responded to medication and psychotherapy, ketamine could be the solution you’re looking for. To learn more, request an appointment online or over the phone with the team at Vivash Medspa in Mahopac and Cold Spring, New York, today.