
5 Tips to Keep Your Weight Loss Goals On Track Through the Holidays

Dec 02, 2024
ps to Keep Your Weight Loss Goals On Track Through the Holidays
Losing weight and keeping it off can be challenging, especially during the holiday season. These five simple tips can help you enjoy all the holidays without abandoning your goals.

Losing weight can be challenging, but the rewards are definitely worth it: Better physical health, improved emotional wellness, more energy, greater self-confidence — the benefits of maintaining a healthy weight go on and on. 

At Vivash Medspa, our team wants every patient to achieve their weight-loss goals without sacrificing holiday celebrations. In this post, learn five simple but powerful steps to avoid weight gain while still getting the most from the holiday season.

1. Be realistic

Holidays are a time of parties and gatherings, and while these festivities can definitely be fun, there’s no denying they can raise your stress level, too. Stress, in turn, can lead to overeating or mindless snacking, two landmines for losing weight.

Set your goals and expectations before the season is in full swing to avoid feeling overwhelmed. Skip the panic and crowds of in-person shopping and opt for online shopping or gift cards instead.

At home, fill your fridge and cupboards with fresh fruit and veggies, yogurt, hummus, nuts, whole wheat crackers, and cheese so that when you do reach for snacks, you have plenty of healthy choices. Plan special activities for yourself to relieve stress and boost your holiday spirit.

2. Eat smart

Holidays are all about food, and sticking to a weight-loss plan during these weeks can be especially challenging—unless you know a few tricks. First, be aware of portion size when eating out. Consider bringing a takeout container and packing half your entree away before you dig in. Or order an appetizer and salad and skip the entree completely.

Another tip for eating out with friends: Visit the restaurant website ahead of time and view the menu. Make your selections before you leave home when you have the time to review calories and nutrient profiles. 

If you’re going to dinner at a friend’s house, tell them about your weight-loss journey and ask them if you can bring a dish (or two) to share. At parties, focus on protein-packed apps and fill up on low-fat fiber, like veggies and fruit. Avoid dips and anything with a heavy sauce.

3. Make activity part of your routine

Holiday time is often busy, too, making it really easy to set aside our fitness goals in favor of more festive endeavors. Make an effort to stick with your workout routine, and aim to make activity part of your daily routine throughout the holidays.

Set aside some time each day for a walk to manage your weight and keep stress under control, too. When you’re out shopping, take the stairs instead of the escalator, and park far away from store entrances to sneak in a few extra steps.

4. Watch what you drink

Alcoholic drinks contain a lot of calories —more than you might think. Moreover, most of those calories are “empty,” meaning they don’t bring any nutrients to the table.

If you want to celebrate with a drink, opt for a single-ingredient drink, like a glass of red wine, and skin the mixers that add a lot of additional calories. Red wine has a bonus: It contains antioxidants that can provide some modest health benefits — if you don’t have more than a glass or two a day. Or opt for a seltzer with a splash of lime or cranberry juice.

5. Treat yourself — but set limits

The holidays are a time of celebration and fun. Being on a weight-loss journey doesn’t mean you have to skip all the good stuff—just set some limits and stick to them. 

It’s perfectly fine to indulge in an occasional treat. Simply decide ahead of time what that treat will be — and how much you can have — then stick to those goals. 

Having an occasional treat helps you feel more festive and boosts your spirit. Plus, when you let yourself have a small treat occasionally, you avoid feelings of deprivation that can lead to eating more.

Don’t let the holidays derail your healthy weight-loss goals. To learn how we can help, request an appointment online or over the phone with the team at Vivash Medspa in Mahopac and Cold Spring, New York, today.